


6th of February 2021 | 2 Likes


Because a career counsellor can assist a candidate with accurate career paths with TOP choices, Good choices, Optional choices and even explain the avoidable career paths basis on candidates Psy analysis cun Skill & Abilities. Without this No benefits of career Counselling.

Shantilal Parmar

6th of February 2021

To understand and realize one's own vision and motive towards life. One can find right path for life to live with more dignity and valued. Career Counselor helps in finding self abilities, skilss, personality analysis and how to plan for future opportunity for life.


16th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


First, it s important to accept that 90% of the youth need someone who can give them insight into options. 

Second, society does help in giving insight but it is at the cost of being biased. 

Third, it s proven that if an individual is counseled regular for his career growth then he/she is likely to succeed faster and have a content and satisfactory work life. 

Hence, presence and interaction with career counselors is essential at every stage of education and job. 

Career counselling helps students discover their true potential and interest in various subjects.Friends and family can very often provide incorrect guidance because their parameters of judging a career choice might differ.A counsellor is objective while giving guidance,with no considerations other than aptitude and interest.

Choosing a field of study that is not really suited to your interests or skills could prove disastrous.And that s where a career counsellor comes in.

B Bhattacharya | M.SC applied Psychology a...

28th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


This is a very common question that comes to our mind when we think about choosing our career.After all our teachers, senior family members can guide us .So why do we need career counsellors?

To answer this we can pause to think about these questions.......Can our teachers and family members guide us towards a career that best matches with our  personality? Do they know about my real strengths that can be best used in a particular career? What about my interests? Are the teachers and family members know about every interests of mine which can be a major point in choosing a career?

We all know it that it is impossible for any teacher to know the details of every student of her class or even the parents are also not equipped to know about every aspect of their child and it is particularly true whne it comes to the choiceof career.

As such we need a career counsellor  to assess  our personality, interests, values, skill and abilities  and match it with the best possible career options available in the market.  The career counsellor is particularly trained in this field and hence can be trusted with thier knowledge and expertise to guide us.

test shalika

20th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


So that no one comittes mistake as i did....

As a child I lived dream of my parents..without knowing my skill sets and abilities.. or even nothing more than one option in that field.

Now i realise if i would have got a career counselor during my childhood, and i have known my skills and abilities.. i would have suceeded much earlier.


A career couselor is that fellow, who can help you know your real skills, abilities and show a fair picture of what all one can do to lead a happy, sucessful life.

Career is not only about top listed vacancies - its about happiness, feel good and balanced life. Only a well trained career counselor can give you that.
